Will She Never Learn?

Felicity handed the wine bottle around. The girls had decided on a quiet weekend, nibbles and wine, relaxing in their pyjamas, the usual banter – who did what to whom and how their romantic lives were. The subject of Kelly came up when Jodie asked why she wasn’t there.

          Felicity laughed, ”Have you not heard? She has a new infatuation.”

          Groans and laughter spread across the room. Jodie looked towards the heavens. ”Who is it this time? Thought she was still chasing Simon?”

          Annabelle hooted. ”He found her hiding in his back garden, watching when him and his new lady friend were, you know. The silly mare was using binoculars. They reflected the light. He called the police. She was lucky to get away with a caution. ”

          Stories abounded. Kelly was always good for gossip due to stalking men on the internet, befriending them and all their friends, so she always knew where each man was, and turning up batting her eyelids. Nine times out of ten she had a very brief relationship, if you could call it that, then they dumped her. Poor girl would follow them for weeks until they got fed up and threatened her with the police.

          Irony was that Felix, one of her infatuations, actually was totally besotted with her. He was always there for her when things went badly to build her back up, then she’d be off after someone else. Poor Felix would moon around till her next disaster. If you listen to Kelly, she’ll say he is stalking her !!!!!

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