Feeling totally confused, Jaxon lay there. He could hear lots of noise, occasional conversation that seemed to be about him. His eyes refused to open; where the hell was he? Drifting off, the bleeps seemed to soothe him.
Out of nowhere appeared a boy about his age, wearing funny clothes like you see in the black and white photos his mam had. When he started to speak to him, Jaxon’s mind went into overdrive.
‘Who the hell are you?’
Not even blinking, he explained he was Jaxon’s guardian angel.
‘Get lost, you’re only a boy like me. Anyway angels have wings. Where’s yours?’
With a flick of his wrist, he transformed into an angel, wings and all. ‘That satisfy you Jaxon?’
‘Where’s your halo then?’
‘You only get a halo if you have lived a pure life like a saint. Sorry to say my short life wasn’t exactly without sin.’
‘What do you want with me then; am I dead?’
‘No you are hovering between life and death, so you are at a crossroad in your life. You are young and have the will to live, so it’s up to you. But you have been stabbed by a rival gang and if you continue on this road you will eventually die.’
Jaxon lay there thinking whatever they are pumping into me is better than spice. Where else do you get to talk to an angel. His best hallucination yet, can’t wait to tell the boys about this.
‘Jaxon you are not taking this seriously. Do you want to end up in hell?’
Thinking about it he replied. ‘Well I will have all my mates with me, no rules and as hot as hell. What more could I want? Don’t fancy being with bible thumpers and all those rules. Hell will suit me fine.’
‘Young man there are rules everywhere, even in hell. Someone has to stoke the fires and you face eternal damnation. Is that what you want?’
‘I will be dead so it won’t matter.’
Sighing, the angel continued, ‘You are not a wicked boy, you have just lost your way. You love your mother and siblings. How do you think they will feel losing you too soon?’
‘If you’re so smart, how come you’re dead?’
‘My house was bombed in the war. I died trying to get my neighbours out and a wall fell on me. Later watching my family grieve for me broke my heart, so once I was settled I applied to be a guardian angel, to stop it happening to other families.’
‘What’s heaven like then? Must be boring all sweetness and light.’
‘No it’s wonderful. I have my family around me. Some didn’t make it and went below. I wouldn’t swap it for anything. They are going to wake you up soon, so I have to go. Please think about what we have talked about.’
Jaxon nodded. ‘Say hello to my nan for me.’
The angel nodded as he faded away.