Heat Hub Heist

As the poor got poorer, local councils  were inspired to think about the optics of people dying alone in unheated homes during the chilly winters. Small grants enabled local organisations with free space to keep their heating on and invite local people to come in and warm up, sometimes offering  soup and sandwiches as part of their welcome to the heat hub.

People certainly benefitted from the warmth, and they also met other people.  For some this went no further than the chat and the bingo.  For others it presented opportunities to establish some common ground: to build solidarity.

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Degrees of Ruin

It isn’t hard to ruin the life of a thirteen year old. I seem to do it all the time. Take yesterday:

‘Mum, you are ruining my life. Everybody has an iPhone. You need it to look things up in class and to talk to people. I’m completely humiliated without one. Who  knows  what people are saying about me?…’

‘I accept that your life is in tatters, and I’m sorry for you. But in 20 years you will come and find me, throw your arms around my neck, and  thank me. You will be able to think without the help of influencers and you will not have a repeating backdrop of porn movies and pile-ons to spoil your dreams.’

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Poor Bobby

Rushing up the path, my nan, Iris, was waiting. 

”Here’s the keys honey, have to rush as the girls are waiting for me. See you Tuesday and thank you for house-sitting for me.”

In a whirl, she was gone. Opening the patio doors, glorious weather, sunbathing for me. Five days of rest and relaxation on my own. Bliss. Wandering back inside after a few hours, my attention was caught by the birdcage rocking as a cat darted past. With my heart in my mouth, I looked into the cage. Nothing. The door wide open, no Bobby the budgie. Knowing how much the bird meant to her since my granddad died, tears welled up and I sank onto the sofa crying.

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