No Sweet Ending

Dead Squirrel on Carpet

Investigating Officer Cooper removed his topcoat, derby hat and gloves, stroked and twisted the waxed wings of a luxuriant moustache, examined the end result in the hall mirror, then satisfied, entered the drawing room. He cast an experienced eye over the crime scene. The sinking fire flashed, illuminating the agonised death mask, its heat accentuating the smell of blood welling in an advancing surge over the dislodged curtain pole, across the silk kilim, and towards the hearth.

            “What was the deceased’s name?” he asked

            “Dribbs, – a nickname,” Sally elaborated. “His real name was Driscol but due to a facial malformation since birth he had a tendency to well, you know….. dribble.”  Her sentence trailed off in a sob.

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The Hero’s Revelation

“This is all of the candidates?” I heard him ask his advisors, sotto voce.

His gaze swept me dismissively, no more interested than had I been a speck of lint on his finely tailored collar. I took no offence; clients who have underestimated and tried to double cross me in the past have regretted it, albeit very briefly.

“This is most irregular.” An acolyte was addressing me directly now.

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No Words …

It was an extraordinary few weeks to have lived through. The causes have never been fully revealed, although many have subsequently attempted to attribute blame, and no end of conspiracy theories continue to circulate – as though lessons still have not been learned. All I can do is offer an account of the way it seemed to me.

It was in the middle of the Era of Unpleasantness, a time of destruction, disease and self-interest, which had befallen humankind. There were some attempts to mitigate the worst cruelties to people and the natural world but these were often crushed and were never likely to change completely the way things were.

My first inkling was when my books seemed to have turned into blank paper. How very strange, and particularly so when my computer files seemed to be doing the same thing. When I tried to call friends, the phone merely gave out mechanical beeps. Neighbours waved but couldn’t talk. It seemed as though words had gone missing, as though a modern-day Pied Piper had lured them into a mountain-side and trapped them there.

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