A Demon’s Perspective

I read a lot, stories mainly, it helps to pass eternity. One idea that regularly catches my attention is the advice that you should always be in charge of your own stories: never let others tell them on your behalf or you will inevitably come out badly. So very true, and excellent advice for we demons who have suffered greatly from such blatant cultural appropriation down the ages.

I mean, you’ve heard the one about the Gadarene swine? Completely Fake News. Where was the demonic voice in that tale? Suppressed, and completely rewritten to make demons look really bad. As well as all those artists like Fuesli, another really atrocious exponent of anti-demon propaganda is Salman Rushdie, who ruthlessly exploits the demonic repertoire for his own profit. It makes me weep the way demons have come to be associated with wickedness.

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