
Resolutions? Don’t we all think of that in the start of a new year?

And, don’t we all fall by the wayside about three minutes later.

Stop drinking, stop smoking, eat less, exercise more……. That covers every resolution ever thought of, I think.

What about a new resolution then? Its quite simple really.

Its just “be kind”.

Our planet is in dire straits, and as the song goes, “a little less conversation a little more action”.

More thought, less greed, recycle, re-use, buy local, support each other, and STOP DROPPING LITTER. You are not keeping someone in a job by dropping your stuff on the floor, its a myth…. Perpetuated by someone very lazy and dare I say it…stupid.

We all need to look inside us, not looking at the weight we all put on by eating too much over Christmas, to see the real person. Ask yourself when you last did something for someone else, and I don’t just mean your family. I mean the person down the road, or even next door that you have never met. Take the time, now, to meet that person, welcome them to the neighbourhood. Should you see them struggling with something ask if they need help. It may take you five minutes but will mean so much to the person you are helping.

Volunteer for something, do a beach clean, learn something new, expand your mind.

However, going back to the original resolutions, please stop smoking, kerb the drinking and get healthy. Be healthy for yourself and strive for a healthy planet.

Remember, we have no plan B, there is no other planet, that we know of, that we can all pop off to when this one is dead, we need to give it the kiss of life NOW.

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