Jackie sighed as she heard the tap-tap of high heels approaching her office door. Forewarned by Lisa in accounts, she waited as her door swung open. Leoinie crashed through sobbing, “They all hate me. I’ve never been anything but generous to them; now they call me names and snigger behind my back.”
Passing the tissues, Jackie told her to sit. “Why do you think this is happening again, Leoinie? You had the same problem in two different offices. I thought you had made friends with Dawn and were happy there?”
“Dawn won’t speak to me, said I had insulted her by offering to give her some of my old clothes as hers were cheap, and she would never get a man if she didn’t smarten up.”
Sighing Jackie said, “Don’t you think that was a little insensitive? Not everyone has the lifestyle you have.”
“Just because I have a wealthy boyfriend and a luxury lifestyle. I like to think that I am generous to the girls, always bringing in cakes, and old items I don’t use anymore because frankly most of them have no idea of style.”
“Leave it right there Leoinie. I’m not surprised they are upset. These ladies work hard for what they have and you’re belittling them.”
“I should have known you would side with them, you’re all just envious of me.”
Her head shot up glaring at her.
Jackie let rip. “You have no idea about our lives, and for your information I am happily married with beautiful children, a beautiful home and no money worries, but I don’t flaunt it. We are a family here, we pull together, and the sooner you realize that the better. If not, you are welcome to leave. The choice is yours.”
Stalking out of the office, Leoinie turned. “You’re just a jealous old cow.”