Laying in my hospital bed surrounded by machines beeping and whirling. Family sitting anxiously nearby. Doctors and nurses silently hovering. I can’t believe the doctors are telling my family that now it’s in God’s hands; they can do no more. How silly is that?
I can hear everything, just can’t open my eyes. They are just too heavy. Going to be fine, just need to rest a little while longer.
Death does not frighten me, I just don’t feel it’s my time. This condition I have is no fun to live with. There have been many scares over the years but I have always pulled through. How can I leave my children and grandchildren? They need me.
Drifting off to sleep, waking suddenly to see my dear husband. How can it be? He died years ago. He looks just as he did when I first met him, so handsome. Smiling at me, he reaches out his hand to me. In shock I pull back.
Back to the beeping and whirling. Must have been a dream; drifting off again. There he is this time with his arms open wide, pulling me towards him. It would be so nice to feel safe and loved again. Smiling, as I drift to him, I hear the machines go wild…….