Bud pulled Jack to one side outside the cell. ”They want us to turn up the heat on the boy.”
” You telling me they actually believe that kid has an inside track on ‘THE CHOSEN ONE’? He’s paranoid, mad as a box of hares, everyone knows.”
” Ssh, walls have ears. I know people have disappeared for saying less aloud.”
Jack snorted, ”OK, let’s get on with it, suppose we are the moral police.”
On entering they saw the suspect slouched in his chair, all four feet of him, dressed in grunge clothes. He looked up, his face full of spots, he had glasses that made his eyes look like an owl. He started whining that he wanted to go home, he hadn’t done anything.
”Just tell who gave the information about the chosen one’s plans.”
Tears in his eyes, he shook his head. ”It was an essay for school on how the I saw the future.”
Bud glared at him. ”The truth please. How could you think that our empire would create so many terrorist groups just to wipe out our enemies? Turn nations against each other? Threaten to nuke them if they didn’t bow down? – to name just a few of your claims.”
Staring Bud down, the boy suddenly sat straight: ”You can beat me, inject me with a truth serum and the answer would be the same. It is my own thoughts as to how I see things going. If the man is not stopped, he is a danger to all of us and he would launch an attack on anyone who he felt had disrespected him. I rest my case.”
Jack and Bud sighed. They knew there and then that the lad had to disappear, along with any trace of his essay.