Home Again

After a long journey by train, standing on the platform, looking up into the blue

sky, I decided to walk to the farm. A bit of a trek but I was wanting to tune back into the countryside, the winding lane and all its treasures.

Hedges bristling with new growth, smelling wonderful after years of living in the city. Breezes gently caressing my face, a smile appeared, my shoulders dropped, all tensions fading away. Birds chirping as they flitted about in their endless search for insects, animals grazing in the meadows bleating and lowing.

Overhanging trees, the sunlight dappled on the road surfaces, a tunnel of love

ahead of me. Stopping at a stile to drink at the stream, the butterflies and bees doing their intricate dance, the blooms in the hedgerows simpering their heads meekly, ready to receive them. Nature at its finest.

Crops rustling, their heads turned to the sunshine, their promise of a good

harvest. Turning the next bend a stoat, startled at my appearance, froze as we met, eye to eye for one fleeting second, before disappearing in the undergrowth. Finally, a wisp of smoke gently rising above the farmhouse, my parents working in the veg plot reaping their reward of months of hard work. Them waving as they catch sight of me, hugs all round as we companionably wander into the warm loving kitchen. The end of a long and winding road.

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