Death was being promoted. She had been second in command for eons and now it was her turn. She didn’t know how it happened, in that line of work who knew how anything happened. Anyway, she was going to give it her best shot, after all, she knew the ropes.
What nobody ever knew was that she still had a tiny spark of humanity left which she had hidden well for all of these centuries.
She had her list and off she went gathering souls. So far so good, but then she went to collect her next person and she found him crying. He was all alone and he was praying to God. He was saying that he was sorry for the man he had become and that he wanted a little time to make amends to his family. He knew he was dying, he had abused his body too much with alcohol and drugs to ever recover. His wife and son had left him as they couldn’t cope anymore. He wanted the time to see them and say everything that he should have said over the years. To tell them that he loved them and they deserved better. To give his son the encouragement and confidence that he should have given all these years that he had failed to do.
Death heard this and decided to give him time to complete his unfinished business so she bumped him down to list to return to later.
Many ghosts walk the earth due to their unfinished business. It’s a barren limbo to spend eternity, and she wanted more souls to rest in peace.
Her list got a little jumbled as she went along with her work, as there are a lot of people out there who have amends to make. However, she managed it and her spark got a little bigger every day.